Privacy Policy_en2018-10-15T07:18:26+02:00

Privacy Policy according to the Artt. 13-14
Of the European regulation “Privacy” (gdpr)

italian version

The personal data you have entered are processed by


Via Vidacilio, 3

63100 ASCOLI PICENO (AP) – Tel. 0736.

For purposes related to the provision of services requested by you (for example: request information, Register to the site to receive advantages and offers, obtain quotes, make purchases and receive them at an address you have indicated).

In addition, the data provided by you may be processed, only on your express consent, in order to send you communications of a commercial nature.

In the first case, the legal basis of the treatment is the execution of an agreement; In the second case is the Consensus. The treatments will be carried out in electronic mode and made available to third parties (external treatment managers) within the European union, regularly contracted by the proprietor and offering adequate security guarantees necessary for the provision of essential services for the fulfilment of its NEEDS. Such external managers, whose list is available upon request, may belong to categories of persons who support the holder in delivering the services offered through this site (such as, but not limited to: software developers and Web site managers, Freight forwarders).

They will also be treated for statistical analysis and direct marketing purposes, anonymously, as best specified by the cookie Policy. It is therefore legitimate and necessary treatments to assure you a service that meets your Expectations. The data will be kept for the duration of the services requested by you or for higher periods only if provided by the Rules. At any time you may exercise the rights provided for in articles 15-22 of the GDPR by contacting the owner of this Site.

The information you enter on the form (including your email address) may be communicated to a third party who will act as external manager and who supports the owner in the management of the site and in the fulfillment of his Request.

In case of request for cancellation of your data, we inform you that it may no longer be possible to continue to provide you with the requested Service.

finally, we inform you that you may complain to the Data protection Authority if you believe that your rights have been infringed.

Extended COOKIE Information

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on the Navigator’s PC within the Browser. They contain basic information on Internet browsing and thanks to the browser are recognized every time the user visits the Site. 

Below you will find all the indications of cookies installed by this site and the necessary information on how to manage your Preferences.

Cookies used by this site

This site uses cookies, even third parties, to improve the browsing experience and allow the surfers to enjoy our online services and to view advertisements in line with their preferences. The cookies used in this site are included in the categories described below.

Cookie Management

1 – Technical Cookies

The technical cookies described below do not require consent so they are automatically installed as a result of access to the Site. 

– Cookies required for operation: cookies that allow the site to function properly even allowing the user to have a functional browsing experience. For example, keep the user logged on while browsing by preventing the site from requiring you to connect multiple times to access the next Pages. 

– Cookies for saving preferences: cookies that allow you to remember the preferences selected by the user during navigation, for example, allow you to set the Language. 

– Statistics and audience measurement cookies: cookies that help you understand, through data collected anonymously and aggregated, how users interact with the Internet site by providing information about the sections visited, the time Spent on the site, any Malfunction.

2 – Third party Cookies

Through this site are also installed cookies managed by third Parties. 

If you wish to have information about these third-party cookies and how to manage your consent, please access the links of the following tables. 

2.1 – Statistical and third-party audience measurement cookies

These cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information about how visitors browse the Site. Here are the links to the respective cookies policy pages to manage your Consent.






Adobe Analytics: Statistics System

Analytical Cookies

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Sitecensus: Statistics System

Analytical Cookies

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Google Analytics: Statistics System

Analytical Cookies

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Duda Analytics: Statistics System

Analytical Cookies


Shinystat: Statistics System

Analytical Cookies

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2.2 – Social media sharing cookies

These Third-party cookies – if you present the links on the site – are used to integrate some widespread features of the main social media and provide them within the Site. In particular, allow the registration and authentication on the site via Facebook and Google connect, sharing and comments of pages of the site on social, enable the functionality of “likes” on Facebook and “+ 1 ″ on G +. Here are the links to the respective cookies policy pages to manage your Consent.





Social media

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G +

Social media

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Social media

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Social media

Privacy Policy


Social media

Privacy Policy


Social media

Privacy Policy

2.3 – Remarketing Cookies

These third party cookies allow you to advertise to users who have visited the site both while browsing the websites of the Google Display network and/or using the Google Display Network apps as well as browsing Google. Information on how to disable the use of cookies by Google can be found on the Google Ads preferences page






Privacy Policy



Privacy Policy

3 – Remember that you can manage your preferences on cookies also through the browser

If you are using Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer, Click “tools” and select “internet options”. On the Privacy tab, move the cursor up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

If you use the Firefox browser

Choose the Browser’s “tools” menu and select the “options” menu. Click on the “Privacy” tab. In the “retention rules” drop-down list, Select the desired level. Tick the box “accept cookies” to activate cookies, or remove the tick to deactivate Them. Choose how long cookies can be stored.

If you use the Safari browser

Click on the Safari menu, select the “edit” menu and select “Preferences”. Click on “Privacy”. Place the “cookies Block” setting and click OK.

If you use the Google Chrome browser

Click on the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar. Select “settings”. Click on “show Advanced settings”. In the “Privacy” section, click on “content settings”. In the “Cookies” section, select “prevent all sites from saving data,” and then click OK.

If you use any other browser or do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click “help” in the browser window at the top, from which you can access all the necessary Information.

At any time you may request, by writing to the address of the owner of this site, the access to your personal data, the rectification or cancellation of the same or even simply the limitation of their treatment (anonyidation) or propose Complaint to the Data protection Authority if it considers that its rights have been infringed. 

Utilizzando il sito, accetti l'utilizzo dei cookie da parte nostra. maggiori informazioni

Questo sito utilizza i cookie per fornire la migliore esperienza di navigazione possibile. Continuando a utilizzare questo sito senza modificare le impostazioni dei cookie o cliccando su "Accetta" permetti il loro utilizzo. Privacy & Cookie Policy
